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IDEAL Pedagogy Projects

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From 2021–2023, teams from Stanford departments and programs were supported in undertaking IDEAL Pedagogy projects to make learning more accessible, inclusive, and equitable in their academic contexts. You can read more about the projects completed on this page. 

Starting in 2023, team projects in IDEAL Pedagogy were put on hold to support team projects through the new campus Curriculum Transformation initiative. Curriculum Transformation supports projects from departments and programs to make introductory, undergraduate curricula at Stanford more accessible, inclusive, and equitable.

Learn more about launching a Curriculum Transformation project and current campus projects.

For inspiration and ideas, read more about completed IDEAL Pedagogy team projects on this page and explore evidence-based ideas for team projects.

IDEAL Pedagogy Showcase Gallery

Video credits: Carlos Seligo

Art and Art History

Goal: incorporate indigenous craft methods into the curriculum

Department team members: Emanuele Lugli, Sarah Peck, Bissera Pentcheva, Adam Tobin, Camille Utterback

Developmental Tool Kit & Engaging with Native American Art at the Cantor (8:37)

The Art and Art History team helped realize a key project goal—developing teaching possibilities around objects and texts created by Native Americans—through organizing a Spring 2022 workshop by Native American Artist-Basket-Weaver, Corine Pearce.

Poster for Basket Weaving Workshop
View the poster

Poster for the Spring 2022 workshop (PDF)

Learn how the Art & Art History IP project developed after one year.

"In the Blindspot of Art History": reflecting on the Art History toolkit and expanding representation


Goal: Increase digital accessibility of visual course materials

Team members: Hans Bork, Micheal Duchesne, Rachel Dubit, Serena Crosson, JJ Lugardo, Sarah Pincus, Richard Saller, John Tennant, Sarah Wilker


Increasing digital accessibility of visual course materials (7:38)


Goal: Create an instructor’s guide to more inclusive assessments.

Department team members: Isaac Applebaum, Nathaniel Brown, Dory DeWeese, Jennifer Schwartz Poehlmann, Sameer Sundrani, Robert Waymouth

Resource (PDF)

The Chemistry team achieved their goal by drafting an instructor’s guide to building effective and inclusive exams, which has been circulated among some other STEM departments.

Working Towards Equitable Outcomes in Chemistry 31A (9:10)

Learn how the Chemistry project developed after one year.

Working towards equitable outcomes in CHEM 31 (7:19)

Environmental Justice Working Group

Goal: Develop an instructional toolkit for incorporating environmental justice values and pedagogies into environmental science and other courses.

Read the draft of the EJ Education Group Whitepaper (PDF; 4.75 MB)—Describing and advocating for pedagogic strategies informed by Environmental Justice values

Team members: Sibyl Diver, Charlie Hoffs, Kenji Ikemoto, Kajal Khanna, Neha Patkar, Belinda Ramirez, Stephanie Seidmon

Incorporating environmental justice values and pedagogies into environmental science and other courses (6:59)


Goal: Decenter the Western canon and integrate non-Western materials into the curriculum.

Department team members: Christina Kim, Charles Kronengold, Lloyd May, Michael Mulshine, Paul Phillips, Julie Zhu

Working toward Equity and Inclusion (in the classroom and beyond) (7:41)


Goal: Develop guidelines for designing quantitative courses to support students with different levels of prior preparation.

Department team members: Susan Clark, Bruce Macintosh, Adam Mantz, Enrique Lopez Rodriguez, Cyndia Yu


Making Introductory Astronomy Classes Inclusive and Effective (Google Doc)
Slides for the Astronomy Presentation (Google Slides; Stanford sign-in required)

Enhancing introductory astronomy for non-science majors (5:45)

Primary Care and Population Health (PCPH), School of Medicine

Goal: Create a case-based, online curriculum for PCPH faculty to increase inclusion and equity in patient care.

Team members: Brenda Flores, Lusciana Gomez, Stephen Richmond, Takudzwa Shumba, Magali Fassiotto

Investigating the intersection between equity and medicine (4:14)