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Gradescope is an online grading tool that allows paper-based assignments to be scanned, submitted, graded, and analyzed quickly and efficiently.

Stanford provides campus-wide access to Gradescope

All Stanford users can access Gradescope using their SUNet credentials. Click "Launch" below to access your Stanford Gradescope account.

If you have previously created a Gradescope account with a non-Stanford email address refer to "How do I login using my school's credentials?" for more information.

Grading hand-written assignments

Gradescope's primary use is to grade and manage paper-based handwritten assignments. After initial setup and syncing with Canvas, hand-written paper assignments can be scanned and uploaded to Gradescope by the instructor or by individual students. Once uploaded, Gradescope uses handwriting recognition to identify the students' names and responses, organizing them for grading. Gradescopes dynamic rubric provides flexibility in grading and providing feedback. The final scores can then be synced to Canvas and students can view the feedback.

Bubble sheet, online, or programming assignments

Gradescope bubble sheet assignments allow for scantron-style assignments. Students do not need special scantron sheets, nor will your teaching team require special scantron equipment. You and your students can simply download and print the bubble sheet template. Gradescope also can auto-grade completed bubble sheet assignments.

Gradescope's online assignments include a variety of question types, such as multiple-choice, short-answer, and open-ended, that students can answer directly within the interface by typing, selecting, or uploading their responses. 

Gradescope programming assignments work with all programming languages and can be auto-graded, manually graded, or use a combination of auto-grading and manual grading. Instructors can also check code similarity reports to flag potential plagiarism cases.

Benefits of Gradescope

Gradescopes handwriting recognition and dynamic rubric can save your teaching team a lot of time. Student submissions are easier to organize and keep track of with Gradescope. Assignment questions with similar responses can be graded all at once. And changes you make to the rubric as you are grading are automatically applied and recalculated on all submissions. 

Gradescope also helps instructors in grading fairly and objectively. Gradescope allows you and the teaching team to grade anonymously and changes to the dynamic rubric are automatically applied to all submissions ensuring accuracy and fairness.

Gradescope also makes it easy to give feedback comments and annotations on student submissions.

How to use Gradescope

Here is a brief summary of the Gradescope workflow for a typical handwritten assignment or exam:

  1. Instructor
  2. Instructor or TA
  3. Students
  4. Instructor or TA

Gradescope accessibility recommendations 

Implementing the following recommendations can help students if they encounter an accessibility issue when using Gradescope. 

Tell students about Gradescope

Identify tools such as Gradescope that you plan to use in the syllabus. You might also announce it to the class on the first day of instruction. This helps students prepare to access and learn how to use unfamiliar tools in advance. Consider assigning a practice Gradescope assignment so that students can become familiar with the interface. 

Offer alternative ways for submission

Be prepared to offer alternatives if a student has accessibility or technical issues with Gradescope. Some possible options include:

  • Allow students to email a PDF or image of their assignment to you or the teaching team.
  • Submit student work to Gradescope for them

Offer alternatives for regrade requests or accessing instructor feedback

Some students may be unable to access certain features of Gradescope, particularly regrade requests and instructor feedback. Check with your students to see if they may need an alternative process. For example, allow them to request regrades or receive feedback through email or other means.

Learn more

Introduction to Gradescope

Introduction to Gradescope with Galileo Friedman, Sept 12, 2019.

See also the Introduction to Gradescope with Olga Stadiepresented on March 11, 2020.


Technical support questions related to Gradescope should be directed to

For all other inquiries, please contact us:

Academic Technology Solutions Lab
Center for Teaching & Learning
(650) 723-4242