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CTL Graduate Resources for Equity and Access in Teaching Grants

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CTL Graduate Resources for Equity and Access in Teaching (CTL GREAT) grants are offered by the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) to fund the development, implementation, and evaluation of education development programming or resources that support equitable outcomes for all students. CTL GREAT grants are awarded on a rolling basis in amounts up to $1,000. All Stanford graduate students are eligible to apply.

Funds can be used to support:

  • Departmental TA Orientation: design and implement a new TA/CA orientation for your department, or substantially revise an existing orientation to focus on inclusion and equity.
  • Departmental workshop series: design and implement a workshop series for your department or program that focuses on educational equity and inclusive teaching practices.
  • Programming: create and implement programming that focuses on TA community–building, mentorship for underrepresented students, or other topics that relate to educational equity.
  • Resources or tools: create a TA handbook or website for your department or program, a shareable resource on pedagogical practices to support educational equity, a digital tool, or another equity-focused resource.

Application details

CTL GREAT grant applications are due quarterly. The due dates for the 24–25 academic year are projected as follows, but subject to change based on funding availability. Due dates will be updated if and as the funding availability shifts:

  • November 15, 2024 at 5 p.m. (for projects taking place January 1– August 15, 2025)
  • March 4, 2025 at 5 p.m. (for projects taking place April 1–August 15, 2025)
  • May 23, 2025 at 5 p.m. (for projects taking place September 1, 2025– August 15, 2026)

Applications will be assessed using the CTL GREAT grants rubric.

View the application questions and apply: CTL GREAT grant application.

Please review the Frequently Asked Questions below before applying. For additional questions about CTL GREAT grant applications, please contact Dr. Amanda Modell at amandamodell at stanford dot edu.

Frequently Asked Questions

This set of frequently asked questions is designed to clarify the purpose, expectations, and scope of the CTL GREAT grants program. 

  1. What is the difference between a CTL GREAT grant and a LIT fellowship?

    CTL GREAT grants are designed for independent work, usually involving a single grantee or two at the most. While a consultation session or two with CTL is possible for GREAT grant recipients, there is no-long term support associated with the grant. If you are looking for a community with whom to develop your equity-minded teaching project, you would be better suited by a LIT fellowship.

  2. What can my budget for a GREAT grant include?

    All budgets for GREAT grants should include pay for the grant recipients ($100 per student involved with the project) and can include funds for associated program supplies or refreshments. If you have specific ideas for GREAT grant spending that is beyond graduate student pay or program supplies, please write for more information (amanda dot modell at or request a consultation. 

  3. If I receive a GREAT grant, can I book a room for my event through CTL?

    No, CTL does not offer room reservation or other administrative services to GREAT grant recipients. We recommend that you reach out to your department’s student services officer in order to book a room or other administrative support (see question 4). 

  4. Who will administer the funds for my GREAT grant?

    The $100 payment for each student affiliated with a GREAT grant will be paid by CTL. For program supplies and refreshments, your department’s finance administrator will need to administer the grant, often through reimbursements. 

  5. Are GREAT grants available for programs that support equity and access for graduate students as students?

    GREAT grants are designed to support graduate students as educators (teaching assistants and course instructors). DEIB programming is related to graduate students’ experience as students are better served by DIF grants, SPICE grants, and campus engagement mini-grants.

  6. Who is the appropriate audience for GREAT grant programming?

    GREAT grants are designed to support graduate students as educators (teaching assistants and course instructors).

  7. Can I use my GREAT grant funds to pay guest speakers?

    No, GREAT grant funds should not be used to pay external speakers. GREAT grant funds are typically used for program supplies and student pay. 

  8. What will I be expected to provide to CTL if I receive a GREAT grant?

    Each GREAT grant recipient is expected to provide a deliverable that they used in their project, such as a slide deck, handout, or reading list. You may also be asked to provide brief, informal updates by email about the project’s progress. Preparing the deliverable and updates should not incur any significant additional work for the recipients. 

    View previous GREAT grant deliverables

  9. I previously applied for a GREAT grant and wasn’t funded. Am I eligible to reapply?

    Yes! Whether your previous application was successful or not, you are welcome to reapply. If you have already been funded with a GREAT grant, please explain in your application how the next iteration will go beyond the previous grant project.

  10. How will the deliverable from my GREAT grant project be stored and shared?

    GREAT grant deliverables will be stored on the CTL and/or Teaching Commons websites so that they can serve as inspiration for the greater campus community. Deliverables may also be shared in the CTL Grad Newsletter.

  11. Will CTL staff be able to mentor me through my work as a CTL GREAT grant recipient?

    CTL GREAT grants are designed for independent work. While a consultation session or two with CTL is possible for GREAT grant recipients, there is no ongoing nor long term support associated with the grant.

  12. Will CTL be able to help me publicize my GREAT grant event? How does this process work?

    Yes, CTL can help to publicize your GREAT grant event if you would like. In order for this to happen, you will need to provide a written advertisement for your event at least 6 weeks prior to the event in the following format: 

    1. Event Title

    2. Day, Month ##, 202#,  11 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. PST

    3. Location

    4. Register or RSVP link [link URL]

    5. Event blurb, most appealing/interesting point first. (max 50 words)

    6. Questions? Who to contact at

    7. [URL or folder location of any image you want to include]