Strategies for Teaching Online
Strategies for Online Teaching
These CTL resources provide strategies for teaching and supporting your students' learning and well-being in online learning environments.
- For more CTL resources, see Plan & Design a Course.
- For strategies and resources for preparing for and adapting to disruptions to teaching and learning, such as public health emergencies, current events, natural disasters, and so on, see the Disruption Preparation Guide on Teaching Commons.
Writing your syllabus
A customizable syllabus document (Google Doc) containing reflection prompts, and links to resources and policies you may find useful as you craft your syllabus.
Working with Teaching Assistants
Working Effectively with Teaching Assistants Online is intended for faculty or primary instructors working with Teaching Assistants or Course Assistants as part of a teaching team for online instruction. These suggested practices can to make the work you do together effective, efficient, and beneficial for all involved.
To help guide TAs with their online teaching, see also 10 Strategies for TAing Online.
Creating inclusive and equitable online learning environments
10 Strategies for Creating Inclusive and Equitable Online Learning Environments offers tips and techniques for creating inclusive and equitable learning environments that promote learning for all students.
Engaging discussions online
10 Strategies for Engaging Discussions Online offers ideas for conducting synchronous, or asynchronous, online discussions.
Promote student well-being
10 Strategies for Promoting Student Flourishing is a resource on teaching strategies to promote student well-being.
Facilitating effective online meetings
10 Strategies for Collegial Videoconferencing help meeting hosts facilitate effective videoconferencing sessions, whether these are class sessions or other kinds of meetings.
Structuring group work online
Online learning can leave many students feeling isolated in their learning environments. One way to recreate classroom interaction is through group work.
Structuring Short-Term Group Work Online provides tips for structuring group work in Zoom and suggestions for effective group work models.
Sustaining learning through current events
Collectively witnessed or experienced events, such as acts of terrorism, global pandemics, divisive national elections, natural disasters, or campus-wide controversies, can impact student learning and well-being.
ACT to Sustain Learning Through Current Events provides instructional practices for supporting your students and their course learning through current events, which you can adapt to your courses.
Other resources
For teaching in courses that have been accredited for distance learning and that Stanford departments and programs have designated as online courses, see the Remote Teaching Guide.